Complex PTSD Treatment and Therapy for Childhood Trauma

For a long time, you’ve felt misunderstood.

By therapists. By family. By friends.

Sometimes you wonder if you even understand yourself.

But, what you do know is that the overwhelm, guilt and shame that you experience on the regular is real.

So very real.

We’re so glad that you’re here.

Over the years you’ve survived, alongside your pain, the very best you could.

And, we want you to know… you deserve to be here. You deserve healing.

Our complex trauma therapists in Pennsylvania are here to support you.

Complex trauma can make it hard to trust- yourself and others. But, working with a therapist for complex PTSD near me can help manage your symptoms of trauma. Work with a CPTSD therapist near or an EMDR Therapist in Pennsylvania.

What is Complex PTSD

Complex trauma occurs as a result of repeated or chronic exposure to threatening events from which escape is impossible.

Complex traumatization might result from any of the following (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • Prolonged domestic violence

  • Abuse, sexual abuse and/or neglect as a child

  • Being separated from your parent(s)

  • Having parents with narcissistic or borderline traits

  • Feeling chronically misunderstood, rejected, discounted or shamed

  • Receiving threats of violence

  • Exposure to substance misuse

  • Exposure to substance misuse

  • Medical neglect

  • Resource insecurity (food, shelter, clothing)

  • Exposure to community violence

  • Prolonged captivity

  • Chronic discrimination

  • Genocide

Symptoms of Childhood Trauma in Adulthood

When it comes to PTSD vs CPTSD, there are a number of symptoms that overlap.

And because Complex PTSD is associated with a longer duration and much higher intensity of traumatic stress, folks with CPTSD may experience more symptoms than folks with PTSD.

What are the 17 Symptoms of Complex PTSD?

Reexperiencing symptoms

  • Flashbacks of images, overwhelming emotions (feeling memories), or disturbing sensations

  • Nightmares, thinking about traumatic events at inconvenient times, and feeling triggered and overwhelmed

Avoidance Symptoms

  • Staying away from people or places that remind you of traumatic events and isolating yourself

  • Relying on alcohol, substances or food behaviors to numb from pain

  • Spending time caring for others, but ignoring yourself

  • Overworking to distract from feeling and being highly critical of yourself for lack of perfection

Persistent Perceptions of Current Threat

  • Being hyperaware and startling easy

  • Expectation of the worst happening and high sensitivity to other people’s non-verbal body language

Affect Dysregulation

  • Hopelessness, depression, anxiety and panic

  • Frequent feelings of anger and irritability

  • Suicidal ideation and/or urges to harm yourself

Negative Self Concept

  • Feeling like a failure, that you’re ineffective or powerless

  • Feelings of shame, unworthiness and guilt

  • Feeling as though there is something wrong with you, that you’re damaged or that you have little control over your life.

Interpersonal Disturbances

  • Feeling disconnected from people, or that you don’t belong

  • Feeling afraid that you’ll be left or abandoned

  • Having a hard time knowing who and how to trust

Dissociative Symptoms

  • Times when people, objects and the world feels unreal

  • Having difficulty remembering large portions of your life

  • Difficulty paying attention, or finding yourself staring into space/daydreaming for long periods of time

Therapy for Childhood Trauma with a Complex Trauma Therapist Can Help You Heal From Your Past

Trauma therapist near me office. We know you’re tired of experiencing symptoms of complex PTSD. Comlex PTSD treatment and childhood trauma therapy in Horsham, Pennsylvania with our a complex trauma therapists near me can help.

At Reclaim Therapy we define trauma as anything that is too much too soon, too much for too long, or too little for too long, especially when in the absence of an attuned relationship.

When exploring trauma, we give specific attention to what physical, emotional, or psychological needs did not get met and experiences that involved a physical, emotional, or psychological act that did happened.

Many people who have experienced childhood trauma get misdiagnosed throughout their lives because the intricate and nuanced presentation of CPTSD.

The lack of understanding and education about complex PTSD often perpetuates and deepens the suffering of folks who have experienced childhood trauma. If that is you, we understand if you’re feeling frustrated, hopeless and misunderstood.

If you experienced childhood trauma, our complex trauma therapists want you to know that we get it. And, you are deserving of healing.

Types of Trauma Therapy at Reclaim Therapy

Our therapists are informed by current research in neuroscience and Polyvagal theory, and we often utilize a three-phased approach in therapy for childhood trauma.

That can look like:

  • Phase one: In this phase we focus on the most important part of therapy- building trust and beginning to find resources of safety and stability. In this phase of treatment, you’ll start to develop coping strategies and resources to begin to have a felt sense of safety and stability.

  • Phase two: Direct targeting of traumatic memories. It can take some time to get to this phase of treatment because many people who are looking for childhood trauma therapy spend significant time in phase one. We believe in spending as much time as needing developing safety and stability. When folks are ready to proceed in phase two, we will proceed with memory-focused interventions and reprocessing traumatic memories.

  • Phase three: In this phase of treatment we support clients to work through barriers to sustain a positive sense of self, strengthen relationships and maintain momentum in feelings of hope for the future.

We commonly utilize different types of therapy for trauma in our work with clients. Some of these include:

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR for CPTSD)

An 8 phased trauma protocol that promotes memory reconsolidation and desensitization of traumatic memories.

Internal Family Systems (parts work)

Parts work is designed to help people get to know and understand different parts of themselves that were created through chronic stress or trauma. The goal is to build collaboration among parts and unburden traumatized parts of self.

Somatic treatments

Somatic modalities slowly develop awareness of bodily sensations and touch into feeling states in the body, with the goal of completing survival responses (fight, flight, freeze responses).

As counselors for Complex PTSD, we value using trauma informed types of trauma therapy to support the healing of traumatic childhood experiences.

Get Started With Complex PTSD Therapy in Horsham, PA or Online Treatment for Complex PTSD in Pennsylvania.

You are not broken. It’s not your fault. You deserve understanding, support and relief from your suffering.

If you’re struggling with CPTSD, working with a childhood trauma specialist can help you heal from your past and feel grounded in the present- free to experience your life in ways that align with your values and your needs.

We want you to know that you don’t have to do this alone. You deserve a safe relationship to be seen, heard and supported.

Our Horsham, PA complex trauma treatment center has a committed team of complex trauma specialists and EMDR Therapists who are ready to support you.

Ready to Get Started? Here’s How!

step 1

Contact Reclaim Therapy for a free consultation call.

step 2

Meet with one of our Complex PTSD Therapists!

step 3

Start your healing journey. You and your therapist will build a foundation of safety and trust, moving into reprocessing your trauma as you’re ready.


Online Therapy in Pennsylvania

At our virtual office

Laptop on wooden desk with wide coffee cup nearby. Having easy access to CPTSD Treatment near me and trauma therapy in Pennsylvania is important. You can begin complex PTSD therapy in the comfort of your own space with online trauma therapy near me.


Reclaim Therapy office. We offer in-person complex trauma therapy in Horsham, PA. If you’re ready to begin complex PTSD therapy in Pennsylvania, schedule your free consultation and get started with therapy for complex PTSD near me.

Here at Reclaim Therapy we specialize in providing trauma informed therapy for childhood trauma in Horsham, PA.

We also provide EMDR therapy and therapy for PTSD in Pennsylvania.

Complex trauma therapists near me at Reclaim Therapy. If you’re looking to recover from emotional overwhelm and complex trauma, you’ve come to the right place. Begin working with a skilled CPTSD specialists and receive help through CPTSD treatment.

We’re prepared to help you reclaim your life from the impact of complex trauma

One that is spacious, honoring of all parts of you and free from the symptoms that have caused you suffering for so long. We want you to know that this is brave work. And, we’d be honored to see you through it.

Looking for a different type of support?

We also provide specialized trauma therapy, eating disorder therapy, EMDR therapy, binge eating therapy, grief counseling and body image therapy.

You matter. So very much.

We look forward to working with you soon!