Reclaim You- Halloween Candy and The Binge-Restrict Cycle


Episode 24: Halloween Candy & The Binge Restrict Cycle with Emily


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Join Sarah and Halloween enthusiast (and eating disorder therapist) Emily , tackle disordered eating and dieting, especially during the holiday season.

We unravel the enigma of sugar and talk about the concept of habituation, shedding light on how controlled access to certain foods might actually be the key to managing uncontrollable cravings.

If the holidays are a time of stress due to food, tune in as we dive into the importance of self-compassion and how to escape the binge-restrict cycle. Learn how to nourish your body the day after a binge without falling back into restriction.

We underline the powerful impact of leaning into  professional help when you're able to understand the small steps towards habituation and addressing underlying fat phobia.

We'll also share tips and strategies to help you manage triggers related to disordered eating and dieting during this festive season.

Learn more about the role restriction plays in binge eating here

Thanks for listening to Reclaim You with Reclaim Therapy!

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Reclaim therapy provides binge eating therapy in Horsham, PA, body image counseling and trauma therapy in Pennsylvania.

We are a group of body image and eating disorder therapists in Pennsylvania who provide specialized eating disorder treatment and therapy for binge eating, EMDR therapy and therapy for complex PTSD in Horsham, PA. We are passionate about helping people reclaim their lives from body shame, diet culture and trauma.

We would love to support you as you Reclaim YOU and the life that you undeniably deserve.


Halloween Candy and Binge Eating


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