Reclaim You- Exploring Trauma and Adult Children of Alcoholics


Episode 45: Control in Eating Disorder Recovery with Laura


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In this conversation, Sarah and Abby discuss the experiences of adult children of alcoholics (ACOA) and the impact of childhood trauma. They explore related terms and labels, such as codependency and Al-Anon, and address the question of whether the trauma experienced by ACOAs is severe enough. The conversation dives into the three components of complex trauma: too much too soon, too much for too long, and too little for too long. Abby emphasizes the importance of recognizing the impact of childhood trauma and offers hope for healing through support and therapy.


  • Adult children of alcoholics (ACOAs) may have experienced childhood trauma that has lasting impacts on their lives.

  • Related terms and labels, such as codependency and Al-Anon, can help individuals identify and understand their experiences.

  • The severity of childhood trauma experienced by ACOAs may be questioned due to societal normalization of drinking and the silencing and shame often associated with addiction.

  • Complex trauma, characterized by repeated exposure to emotionally overwhelming experiences, can result in long-term effects on the nervous system and self-beliefs.

  • Experiences of too much too soon, too much for too long, and too little for too long are common among ACOAs and contribute to the trauma they experience.

  • There is hope for healing and support through therapy, support groups, and individual exploration of healing modalities.

Thanks for listening to Reclaim You with Reclaim Therapy!

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Reclaim Therapy is a group of trauma therapists in Horsham, PA.

We specialize in treating PTSD, CPTSD, eating disorders and Abby specializes in working with adult children of alcoholics.

We’re passionate about helping people reclaim their lives from diet culture, body shame and the impact of trauma.

We would love to support you as you Reclaim YOU and the life that you undeniably deserve.


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