Reclaim You- Creating Body Positive Homes


Episode 39: Creating Body Positive Homes with Robin Klein


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In this conversation, Sarah and Robin Klein, Registered Dietitian and Pediatric Nutrition Specialist,  discuss the challenges of parenting in a weight-centric society and how to begin to create body positive homes for our kids. 

They explore the importance of creating body positive homes and provide tips for navigating school environments. They also discuss how to respond to kids' comments about bodies and the importance of non-appearance based praise. 

In this conversation, Robin and Sarah discuss the negative messages about body size and food that children are exposed to through media, books, and TV shows. They emphasize the importance of being mindful of the messages children receive and being proactive in choosing positive role models and media content. They also discuss the harmful impact of weight shaming and the need to shift the focus from body size to overall health. 

Robin provides practical tips for parents to create a body-positive home environment, including involving children in food preparation and exercise. They encourage parents to seek support and resources to navigate these challenges.


  • Parenting in a weight-centric society can be challenging, but it is important to create body positive homes and promote body acceptance.

  • Navigating medical settings and weight charts can be difficult, but parents can advocate for their children and focus on overall health rather than weight.

  • School environments can also be challenging, but parents can communicate with teachers and emphasize body diversity and acceptance.

  • Responding to kids' comments about bodies requires sensitivity and open communication, focusing on the importance of all bodies and non-appearance based praise. Be mindful of the negative messages about body size and food that children are exposed to through media, books, and TV shows.

  • Choose positive role models and media content that promote body positivity and healthy relationships with food.

  • Shift the focus from body size to overall health and well-being.

  • Involve children in food preparation and exercise to create a positive and inclusive environment.

Robin's Book Recommendations:

We're Different We're the Same, Sesame Street
Bodies are Cool, Tyler Feder
Her Body Can, Katie Crenshaw
Your Body is Awesome: Body Respect for Children by Sigrun Danielsdottir
Taking Up Space, Alyson Gerber
The Body Image Workbook for Every Body, Rachel Sellers and Mimi Cole
Raising Body Positive Teens: A parent's guide to diet -free living, exercising, and body image. Signe Darpinian, Wendy Sterling, Shelley Aggarwal
Fat Talk: Parenting in the Age of Diet Culture, Virginia Sole-Smith

Download Robin's Lunchbox Card Here

To learn more about Robin and her work, follow her on instagram at @intunenutritiontherapy or visit her website at

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Reclaim therapy provides trauma focused therapy for eating disorders in Horsham, Pennsylvania.

We also provides EMDR for eating disorders, PTSD Treatment, therapy for complex PTSD and grief counseling in Pennsylvania.

We’re passionate about helping people reclaim their lives from the impact of trauma, diet culture and body shame.

We would love to support you as you Reclaim YOU and the life that you undeniably deserve.


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