Reclaim You- Medical Care in Eating Disorder Recovery


Episode 37: Medical Care and Eating Disorder Recovery with Rachel Shifflet


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In this conversation, Sarah and her guest, Rachel Shiflet,  discuss the importance of having eating disorder-informed medical providers and regular check-ins with medical professionals during recovery. They explore the concepts of weight stigma and anti-fatness, emphasizing the need for awareness and consciousness in medical settings.
This conversation explores strategies for advocating for oneself and navigating medical appointments in the context of eating disorder recovery. Rachel shares tips to navigate medical appointments, the importance of educating providers and bringing an advocate when it would feel supportive. They also share grounding techniques and self-care practices to reduce anxiety and create a sense of safety. 

The conversation highlights the need to know one's limits and set boundaries, as well as the challenges of navigating scarcity and deprivation in healthcare. Sarah and Rachel emphasize the importance of working with a treatment team and practicing self-compassion and self-inquiry throughout eating disorder recovery. They also address the challenges of managing dietary restrictions while in recovery and provide guidance on dealing with providers who blame all medical concerns on eating disorders.


  • Having eating disorder-informed medical providers is crucial for comprehensive care during recovery.

  • Regular check-ins with medical professionals are important to address both physical and mental health concerns.

  • Weight stigma and anti-fatness are pervasive in society and can negatively impact individuals' experiences in medical settings.

  • Advocating for oneself in medical settings can be challenging but is essential for receiving appropriate care and support. Advocate for yourself and educate providers about your needs and concerns.

  • Bring an advocate to medical appointments for support and validation.

  • Use grounding techniques and self-care practices to reduce anxiety and create a sense of safety.

  • Know your limits, set boundaries, and prioritize your well-being.

  • Work with a treatment team and practice self-compassion and self-inquiry.

To learn about Rachel and working with her business partners Kristen and Emily, visit

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Reclaim therapy provides therapy for eating disorders in Horsham, Pennsylvania, EMDR for eating disorders and trauma, complex PTSD treatment and grief counseling in Pennsylvania.

We also provide PTSD treatment, binge eating disorder therapy, and therapy for body image in Horsham, PA.

We’re passionate about helping people reclaim their lives in the wake of of trauma, diet culture and body shame.

We would love to support you as you Reclaim YOU and the life that you undeniably deserve.


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