Understanding Trauma Triggers
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

Understanding Trauma Triggers

Like we shared in our last blog, as humans, we often remember and rexpererince trauma through our feelings and our bodies long after a traumatic experience has happened.

Some people who have experienced traumatic events remember the event or event(s), others might not.

What neuroscience has taught us is that after experiences that are traumatic, the brain and body are looking for input that could indicate a threat or danger.

Input from our environment that could be (even a little) connected to a traumatic event is called a trigger.

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The Impact of Trauma
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

The Impact of Trauma

What brain science has taught us is that trauma is most likely to be remembered in the form of emotions, bodily sensations, changes in breathing, heart rate, bodily tension, collapse or the feeling of being overwhelmed. This is because as a result of highly stressful or disturbing experiences, people’s biology shifts to a biology of threat- staying hyper alert, feeling chronically unsafe and having difficulty remaining in the present moment.

The impact of traumatic experiences is located in the survival part of the brain, which does not return to baseline after the threat is over.

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The Garden of Soul
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

The Garden of Soul

Gardening takes work. Take the tomatoes…

I planted them in a wonderfully sunny spot, then realized they were a bit too far from a water source. Add in a trip to the hardware store for a longer hose and a sprinkler and the need to make time in the morning or evening to water the plants.

Lesson learned: Relying solely on the unreliable weather to handle things won’t guarantee a bountiful harvest.

Next, the birds that I love to watch from my deck began to peck at what I’d planted, resulting in further need to protect them. Other pests showed up, leading to Google searches and calls to my brother asking how the heck one deals with an infestation of beetles.

Another lesson learned: Hoping that growth would happen untested won’t guarantee healthy plants.

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Getting  to Know Your Inner Body Critic- Part 2
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

Getting to Know Your Inner Body Critic- Part 2

Take a minute to bring the image of your inner body critic to mind. That image that we worked to embody in last week’s body image post.

Now that you have a better understanding of how your body critic was shaped and formed, how do you feel about that image?

Is the image a version of yourself from another time? A younger you, faced with a parent who spoke harshly about their own body, or even your body?

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Your Body Story Matters
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

Your Body Story Matters

The experiences that you’ve had in your body have undoubtedly shaped the relationship that you have with it and how you (often) brace yourself to be interacted with and treated in the world.

There is also space for acknowledging what external narratives exist about bodies and how you were exposed to them. These narratives often come from family belief systems and culturally normative belief systems.

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Not ready to give up dieting?
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

Not ready to give up dieting?

Many people start dieting in an attempt to feel better about their bodies after years of being taught that to feel good about your body, you have to look a certain way. Others start dieting in an attempt to improve their health status, similarly, after years of being taught that nutrition is the way to achieve health and well being.

More-so, for many people, dieting behaviors offer a semblance of containment.

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Is BMI Accurate?
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

Is BMI Accurate?

Here at Reclaim we hear painful reflections like this everyday. The people we support are consistently measuring their worth as humans in this world all because of a tool.

A tool that is BS.

In so many ways.

Let us tell you some of those ways.

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3 Common Myths and Misconceptions about Eating Disorders
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

3 Common Myths and Misconceptions about Eating Disorders

Myths about eating disorders run rampant in our culture.

Because of the way eating disorders have been portrayed in the media many people have a vision of what an eating disorder “looks” like. That combined with a general misunderstanding of the why’s/how’s of eating disorders by the general population and health care professionals alike, people struggling with their relationship to food and their body often feel stigmatized, not believed, isolated and alone

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Health Consequences of Eating Disorders
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

Health Consequences of Eating Disorders

They impact not only emotional wellness, but physical wellness and relational wellness. This makes effective treatment of eating disorders imperative- the earlier someone receives treatment the greater the chance for recovery and mitigated health concerns.

Eating disorders can impact many systems and organs within the body. While treating eating disorders, the Reclaim therapists will frequently collaborate with dietitians and physicians to ensure the well being and health stability of our clients.

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Symptoms of Orthorexia
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

Symptoms of Orthorexia

As eating disorder specialists here at Reclaim, we’ve seen firsthand how insidious, dangerous and consuming orthorexia can be.

Often starting from a well intentioned place to be more “healthy”, folks who have vulnerability to developing an eating disorder (biological, cultural and psychological vulnerabilities) can easily find themselves in a place that is quite unhealthy.

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A New Way To Enter The New Year
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

A New Way To Enter The New Year

Entering a new year can be full of hope and promise. We offer one another New Year’s greetings full of well-wishes and good things. We consider new ways of living and being and doing and set resolutions to bring such ways to fruition.

yet hope and promise can so easily be twisted into self-criticism and judgment that lead us to set unrealistic and unfair expectations for ourselves.

A striking example of this involves diet culture’s obsession with tying a new year to a “new you” – implying that the current you in your current body is not good enough and needs to be changed. This can lead us to set resolutions centered on restrictive diets and punishing exercise.

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3 Signs That You're Struggling With Body Image
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

3 Signs That You're Struggling With Body Image

If you have a body, you have a body image.

In a very direct way, body image refers to the relationship you have with your body. And for most people, that relationship can be pretty complicated.

your relationship with your body includes thoughts, perceptions, sensations, feelings, how you care for it and your experience living in it on the day to day.

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5 Things to Change Instead of Your Body in 2022
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

5 Things to Change Instead of Your Body in 2022

The new year is upon us and so are the incessant ads, social media posts and commercials encouraging you to claim this year as the year you finally change your body or lose the weight.

I’m here to say that yes, it’s a new year… but, we don’t need a “new” you.

Current you is more than enough.

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Signs and Symptoms of Binge Eating
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

Signs and Symptoms of Binge Eating

People who struggle with binge eating frequently don’t realize that it is an eating disorder, characterizing themselves as “bad, out of control or flawed.”

Despite the fact that 2.8% of people will suffer from binge eating disorder in their lifetime and that BED is three times more prevalent than other eating disorders, the general population most commonly hears stories about anorexia and bulimia.

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What People Don't Understand About Binge Eating Disorder
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

What People Don't Understand About Binge Eating Disorder

Despite being the most prevalent eating disorder, the misunderstandings about causes and effective treatment of binge eating disorder, many people who are struggling don’t seek help.

Because of this lack of understanding, it can be difficult to find evidence based, effective treatment. Many of our clients here at Reclaim have shared experiences in previous treatment attempts that only drove them deeper into binge eating behaviors, leaving them feeling broken and alone.

Because of this (and many other factors) binging is often steeped in such intense shame, it can be hidden away for years, leaving people suffering in silence.

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Reclaim Therapy’s Favorite Coping Tools
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

Reclaim Therapy’s Favorite Coping Tools

So often when folks start working with us here at Reclaim they want tools to manage body image distress, urges to engage in eating disorder behaviors, and ways to cope with anxiety and depression.

We know firsthand that having coping tools at the ready is an important part of this work. And, because we’re humans too, we have our go-to coping tools to use in times of distress and overwhelm.

To help you get some ideas of how to cope when you’re having a tough day, tough moment, tough week, each of the Reclaim therapists wanted to share our favorite tools to use in our own lives.

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Body Acceptance: How to Accept Weight Gain
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

Body Acceptance: How to Accept Weight Gain

For most people, one of the hardest parts of recovery from an eating disorder and disordered eating is anticipating and experiencing weight gain. Yes, eating disorders and disordered eating behaviors can be tied to so much more than the image and appearance of the body, but fixation on maintaining and achieving a thin, lean, athletic, ‘healthy’, strong (insert latest #bodygoals here) is a common and painful experience for so many.

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What Grief Has To Do With Recovery From Binge Eating and Body Image
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

What Grief Has To Do With Recovery From Binge Eating and Body Image

When you decide to start or re-engage in recovery from disordered eating or body image issues, it can feel like you’re losing a lot.

→ Behaviors (restriction, over-exercise, purging body-checking, bingeing) that really seemed to make you feel safe and contained.

→ An image of yourself that you believed you would achieve through the use of these behaviors.

→ A buffer or distraction from feeling difficult (and oftentimes overwhelming) feelings that your eating disorder or hypervigilance around your body provided.

→ The dream; for dieting to “work”. To be able to control the size of your body without feeling so itchy around food and hateful about your body.

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Types of Restriction in Binge Eating Recovery
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

Types of Restriction in Binge Eating Recovery

When starting the *very* hard work of normalizing your relationship with food, being curious about how restriction is playing a role in your eating behaviors is one of the most helpful places to start.

Most people don’t equate restriction with all of the eating disorders, but the truth is that restriction is at the foundation of disordered eating, anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder and orthorexia (along with many other things!).

In the Dieter’s Rebellion Group for women struggling with food and body image, we take a hard look at cycles of behavior around food. And, for most people once they get curious about their own cycle, it’s relatively predictable. Restriction of some sort eventually leads to the “problem” behavior of binge eating.

Let’s flip things on their head for a moment. Let’s shift the lens of the problem off of bingeing. Let’s get curious about how restriction is contributing to your own cyclical behavior around food and your body.

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 Body Image tips for returning to in person interactions
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

Body Image tips for returning to in person interactions

to be seen, like really seen, after going so long without, is enough to bring on a whirlwind of body image attacks. Between the cultural expectations for bodies to be thin and static, unchanging entities, our own personal body stories and histories with disordered eating, the current climate is the perfect temp for skyrocketing anxiety about your body.

The therapists of Reclaim want to give you some tips on how to navigate this time and hopefully relieve some of the distress you’re feeling as you continue to re-enter your world.

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